This is why, as a provider of hardware solutions, we always improve our procedures based on the three pillars of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). This way, we honor our corporate values and ethics.
😊 Customer satisfaction 👍 Efficiency 🙏🏻 Respect 💪 Autonomy 💡 Créativity
In the first place, the social aspect
The long tenure of our employees – over nine years – is a reflection of our commitment to ethics. We also have a low absentee rate. We aim to enhance our employees’ happiness through various programs.
Training and evaluation program
The greatest part of our employees are thus regularly trained or coached, face-to-face or remotely.
Compensation and benefits
Our employees also benefit from an extremely comprehensive salary package as well as an optimal work-life balance.
Equal opportunities
We offer an equal chance to each of our employees without any discussion, and do not tolerate any kind of discrimination or harassment.
Community engagment
Liekwise, since people have been at the center of our concerns for more than 20 years, it seems essential to us to participate in strong social actions:
Annual participation in the Make a Wish Easter Eggs action
Purchase of our greeting cards at Unicef
404 page redirecting to missing children notices of search, an initiative of
Next, the financial aspect
Customer satisfaction
This is our first corporate value. We therefore do everything we can to support our customers on a long term period.
Optimizing the quality of our service
Our technical expertise in the automation sector is certainly one of our main assets to support our partners in their development.
Price stability
We are committed to maintain our prices as long as possible. Our partners are then able to efficiently plan their costs.
Optimal payment terms
Finally, we make it a point of honor to pay our suppliers on time, intelligently and responsibly.
And finally, the environment
As a company that provides hardware solutions, we invest a lot in both medium and long term projects. Our goal is to reduce our carbon emissions in a responsible manner.
Durable hardware sale
It is designed to have the longest licecycle possible thanks to durable and ruggedized components. Those are also integrating the latest technologies.
Our product range>
💡 Did you know ? The HID Ink1000 card printer uses inkjet technology and also allows printing on carton cards. No more plastic!
Repair of material
Our technical department will prioritize repair rather than recycling as much as possible.
Services of our technical team >
Impossible to repair? So we entrust the scrapped material to Recupel and Bebat, recycling channels to which we are subscribed, and also take the contribution of our partners in charge.
Not to mention…
Paperless policy
We are as digital as possible. If we have to use paper, we use recycled or FSC-labeled paper instead.
Energy production
The roof of our headquarters are equipped with 381 photovoltaic panels and batteries allow us to store excess electricity.
Our fleet is in the process of transitioning to plug-in hybrid cars. We also encourage carpooling or other transport when possible. Finally, partial teleworking is gradually becoming the norm.